
Sunday school

We believe God intended life to be lived in community.  While our worship services are great for worship and hearing the Word of God, small groups is where a life of faith is lived out.  It’s where we build close relationships, bear one another’s burdens, and wrestle with our fears, doubts and what it means to follow Jesus in our daily lives.  We encourage you to come at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and participate in our Sunday School classes.  We have classes for babies through adults and we would like for you to be part of our study of God's word through Sunday School.

Children’s Ministry

Jesus said "Let the little children come to me." One of Mt. Vernon's primary goals is to lead children to Jesus. Kids' Worship is a fun, up-beat service that includes music, games, a snack, and a bible lesson. It’s for preschool through 5th grade and takes place at 11 AM during our Sunday morning worship service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.  On the other Sundays we welcome our children into our worship service as we worship together as a family.  

Youth Ministry

We believe our youth are not just the church of tomorrow but the church of today! Our youth class is for middle school and high school students, and we have a Sunday Class at 11:00 a.m. that we would like to invite you to attend.  For more information about other activities, see the calendar. 


Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church is committed to the missions imperative of reaching the world for Jesus.  Our Adults on Mission group meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month at 1:00 p.m. Our mission organization seeks to equip individuals through knowledge of mission scriptures, inspiration through stories of those who have heard God's call and followed, and skill development that leads to personal involvement by witnessing, caring, praying, giving, growing, and teaching. We also have a Mission Friends class at that time where we study about the lives of missionaries, pray for them, and follow their example as we reach out to those around us.  

God's plan for reaching out to those who don't know Him involves each one of us.  His mandate to "be made known among all the nations" began with the call of Abraham and continued until the parting words of Jesus when He told those who would follow Him to "go and make disciples of all nations."